Cinder on Cloud VPS This post explores the new Openstack Cinder feature for Cloud VPS. Continue reading “Cinder on Cloud VPS”…
A journey of a single step begins with a thousand miles Sometimes a simple bugfix can take longer than expected, but seeing it through is worth the journey. Continue reading “A journey of a single step begins with a thousand miles”…
Ceph at WMCS, the numbers and the details Part 2 of 2 posts exploring Ceph and Wikimedia Cloud Services. Continue reading “Ceph at WMCS, the numbers and the details”…
Ceph distributed VM storage coming to Cloud Services Part 1 of 2 posts exploring Ceph and Wikimedia Cloud Services. Continue reading “Ceph distributed VM storage coming to Cloud Services”…
A better Toolforge, part 2: a technical deep dive In this follow up post, we dive deeper into the technical details of the recent Kubernetes upgrade for Toolforge. Continue reading “A better Toolforge, part 2: a technical deep dive”…
A better Toolforge, part 1: upgrading the Kubernetes cluster This article focuses on how we made a better Toolforge by integrating a newer version of Kubernetes and, along with it, some more modern workflows. Continue reading “A better Toolforge, part 1: upgrading the Kubernetes cluster”…