Make your technical work on Wikimedia projects more fabulous with these Phabricator video tutorials

What is Phabricator? How does it work? Learn about a set of new video tutorials that can help you learn how to use the collaboration tool used by folks working in Wikimedia’s technical spaces.
Participants from one of the Indic workshops / CC by SA 4.0, Satdeep Gill

Designing technical workshops for the Indic community

This blog post summarizes planning that went into designing a technical workshop series for the Indic community, key outcomes, success stories, lessons learned, and some next steps! It targets potential organizers who might be interested in conducting similar training in their wiki community.

An Orca screen reader tutorial

This tutorial covers how to install, set up and use Orca on Linux systems, with sighted developers, product managers, and user experience designers in mind. Orca is a screen reader available on Linux which is being continuously developed as part of the GNOME project. It is probably the best choice to test screen reader conformance when developing on Linux.